A Balance Intake Of Health Nutrition

Health nutrition from food you eat and drink is your health and strength. What you eat is part of what you are and what you will become. What you choose for a meal has an impact on our body either positively or negatively.

A Guide To Health Nutrition

You health should be one the most important things about your life because it determines your longevity. Your body is the instrument that allows you to perform any physical activity in your daily life, so why not take extra special care of it and your health as well.Health nutrition is an aspect which is broad and contains many topics. It ranges from your diet and what goes into your body to how much you exercise physically.

Balanced diet is the key to right health nutrition

Health Nutrition from the food you consume is an indicator of your strength and health. What you eat forms a part of what you are and what you would become.

How To Rid Pimples And Diminish Break Outs

How to rid pimples from your skin is a question that people of all ages have wondered at some point in their life time. The largest organ of the body is the skin and as such, requires special care to prevent acne. There are many things that are said to cause acne including allergies, stress, and over-active sweat glands.

Diet Health - Nutrition For Diabetes

If you have diabetes your diet health does more than keep your blood sugar under control, it keeps you healthy and well, which prevents virtually all health conditions. However, diet health is not something you are given because you have diabetes, it is obtained by the choices you make.

Visit Viet Nutritional Supplements for Eye Health Supplement

Visit Viet Nutritional Supplements for Eye Health Supplement
My Optometrist recently told me my eyes were really starting to go downhill. In fact, they had had gotten much worse over the course of a year. I found that, even with my glasses on I was having major trouble reading my 20 inch computer monitor, even with the letters being as big as they were. Dr. Brown suggested using a new product Visit Viet Nutritional Supplements for Eye Health.Visi Viet designs their eye supplements around both smokers and non-smokers. While I'm not a smoker myself, I will fill everyone in on what I've discovered really quickly: Apparently smoking is not just terrible for your heart, lungs and other internal organs, as most of us lay persons think. Eye health supplements can put you at extreme risk when you raise that cigarette to your lips. Smokers have adverse reactions to Beta Carotene supplementation, so when you use products like Visit Viet Nutritional Supplements for Eye Health, the Beta Carotene factor has to be taken into account. For the smoking formula, Lutein is substituted instead, which is a Beta Carotene derivative. Therefore, you can get Visi Vite Nutritional Supplements for Eye Health in "smokers" and "non-smokers" formulas. Obviously, as stated I don't smoke, so I chose the non-smoking formula with Beta Carotene. At less than $20 a bottle in most cases, the Visi Vite Nutritional Supplements for Eye Health (Non-Smoker) isn't a bad deal if it does what it says it will. Dr. Brown (My Optometrist) says it has nutrients that will definitely help prolong my eyesight. The one thing he said he wished he could have done is get me on this supplement earlier. Apparently in the last 10 years there has been much advancement in naturopathic health care, as the government has put more money toward helping with organic research for common problems. The main deciding factor for Dr. Brown was a recent publication by the National Eye Institute (updated from the original study started in 2001) called the AREDS Research Study. He told me with all the fast food diets out there, we just aren't getting what our eyes need to stay strong. Although men and women are living much longer now, than we did 50 years ago -- our overall health isn't very good. Basically, we are all kept alive with prescription medications and invasive surgeries. So while it looks like we're living long and prospering...we could be doing all that and doing it while being healthy. I guess for someone like me, with good overall health, but really degenerative eye health Visit Viet Nutritional Supplements for Eye Health, is something that's worth trying. Dr. Brown scheduled my next visit in six months, instead of the normal two years and we'll certainly see if the supplementation has had any benefit. It might be a case of too little, too late -- or these pills may just give my eyes the nutrients I've been depriving them of the last 42 years.

Various Aspects of Eye Health

Various Aspects of Eye Health
It is a vitally important job to maintain eye health since the eyes are so crucial for people's lives. While regular doctor's visit is publicly acknowledged, there are some other suggestions that can be followed.

Some women use eye makeup on a daily basis or occasionally. They need special care for their eyes. The first thing to be ensured is that eye makeup must be totally removed before going to bed. This is essential to avoid eye infection during the sleeping hours. In addition, mascara can not be kept for more than three months. Otherwise, germs harbored by mascara will be transferred into the eyes.

Proper protection against excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays can never be overstated. People are strongly advised to wear sunglasses or tinted lenses in sunny days. In fact, this is only one aspect of eye protection. Some other aspects also need to be considered. People use computer a lot should wear antiglare glasses. And during active sports such as football and basketball, safety goggles are always preferred.

In addition to eye protection, eye exercises should be maintained to relax the eye muscles on a regular basis. It is helpful and needed to take adequate breaks away from the computer screen or the book. Eye exercises are believed to strengthen eye muscles and remove eyestrain. For eye relaxation, people can place a sliced piece of cucumber or cold teabags on their eyes. During this process, allow the eyes to experience a few minutes of total darkness which is also beneficial.

Another important aspect is eye nutrition. Healthy eyes require a considerable amount of fruits and vegetables which contain plentiful nutrients such as vitamins, antioxidants as well as other substances. According to scientific researches, different nutrients help the eyes and other organs in specific ways. For instance, vitamin A is thought to help the retina function well and prevent night blindness. Vitamin C can strengthen bones, muscles, teeth and the eyes so that it is considered as an all-encompassing vitamin.

Pet Eye Health What to Look for

Pet Eye Health What to Look for
Keeping eyes healthy is important both for pets and humans. The area around the eyes as well as the eyes themselves is a very sensitive area. The cleaner this area is kept the more likely an animal’s eye will stay healthy. Your pet’s eyes are crucial to their safety and well-being. There are many substances and conditions that can threaten your pet’s eye health and understanding the signs of certain problems can help you anticipate and treat these problems before they permanently affect your pet’s vision.
Red Eyes
Red eyes can signal many different inflammatory conditions and infectious diseases ranging from conjunctivitis to glaucoma. The most common conditions associated with your pets red eyes are below.
Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the mucous membranes of the eye. It’s the most common eye disease in all domestic animals, and it has a number of causes. Conjunctivitis might be caused by a viral or bacterial infection, by a parasite (like ticks) and by allergies. Ticks in particular can transmit a number of parasites that can cause conjunctivitis.
Treatment for conjunctivitis includes keeping the eye clean and eliminating the cause of the inflammation.
Dogs with allergies and purebred cats are most prone to conjunctivitis.
Keratitis causes superficial blood vessels and pigmentation on the eye. It can decrease vision if left untreated. It is a common eye disorder, especially among German shepherds, and the redness is often accompanied by a thick, ropy mucous discharge from the eyes. In severe and chronic cases, the eye surface becomes infiltrated with blood vessels, and may harden because of long term irritation. There may also be ulceration of the eye tissue due to keratitis.
Treatment of keratitis includes tear stimulants and anti-inflammatory medicines. Eye ulcers may require surgical repair.
Most external eye diseases are treated with antibacterial eye drops that must be applied several times a day. Newer technologies that treat eye infections in dogs include a bioadhesive ophthalmic drug insert which can be placed in the eye to avoid the daily treatment and make compliance with treatment easier.
Cherry Eye
Cherry Eye is a prolapsed of the gland of the third eyelid. It is most common among young dogs, especially Pekingese, bulldogs, beagles and cocker spaniels. The gland becomes infected, irritated and inflamed.
Treatment for cherry eye is surgical replacement of the gland.
Scleritis is inflammation of the opaque white outer coat enclosing the eyeball. It may result from parasitic disease like Lyme disease or toxoplasmosis. Untreated, it can result in the loss of the eye. The red area around the eye may develop suddenly, and is usually hard, lumpy and immovable.
Treatment of scleritis is often topical steroids.
Uveitis is inflammation of the uveal tract or tears ducts. It usually results from an underlying disease. Your pet may show signs of eye pain, overflowing tears, sensitivity to light, eyelid spasms and small pupils. Left untreated, it can damage vision and lead to glaucoma. It can also be the first symptom of a more serious, life-threatening disease.
Treatment for uveitis is dependent on the underlying cause.
Glaucoma is an elevation of pressure in the eyeball. Just like in humans, glaucoma can lead to irreversible blindness. Signs of glaucoma include large pupils, cloudy pupils and redness.
Treatment for acute glaucoma should be started immediately and should be directed toward rapidly reducing the pressure before permanent damage occurs.
Breeds most prone to glaucoma are American cocker spaniels, bassets, wire fox terriers, Boston terriers, Siberian huskies, cairn terriers, chow chows, Norwegian elk hounds and miniature poodles.
Cataracts are white spots in the lenses of the eye that impair vision and cause blindness. Cataracts may be genetic, or they may be caused by diabetes mellitus, or by infections like canine herpes, canine parovirus-2 and canine adenovirus-1. They may also be caused by injury to the eye, poor nutrition, radiation therapy or toxins.
Treatment of cataracts is surgical removal if they significantly impair vision.
There are a number of breeds that may inherit a tendency to develop cataracts. They include Miniature Schnauzer, Boston terrier, Golden Retriever, Labrador retriever, Chesapeake Bay retriever, Siberian husky, American Cocker Spaniel, Old English sheepdog, Standard Poodle, Welsh springer spaniel and German Shepherd Dog.
Bleeding in the eye
Bleeding in the eye is usually the result of injury or inflammation. Treatment for the condition depends on the cause.
Herpes viral conjunctivitis
Herpes viral conjunctivitis is extremely common in young kittens, especially those who are dealing with other stresses to their system like fleas, environmental cold and poor nutrition. Outdoor kittens, feral kittens and kittens in shelters are especially prone to feline conjunctivitis.
Watery eyes
Watery eyes have many causes. One of the more common is entropies, a condition where the lashes turn inward. The treatment is to clean the eyes carefully with a wet cotton pad and remove any debris from the corner of the eye. The tendency to watery eyes caused by hair and lashes in the eye can best be treated by keeping the top knot tidy in breads with top knots.
Trichiasis is a condition that causes some lashes to grow inward and rub on the surface of the eye. It can eventually cause scarring of the cornea and lead to vision loss.
Treatment for trichiasis is surgical removal of the abnormal lashes.
Jaundice is yellowness in the whites of the eyes. There are many causes for jaundice, and your pet should be seen by a vet to determine the underlying cause. Some possible causes include hepatitis, urinary tract infections, pancreatitis, gallstones, anemia, medications and viral infections.
Treatment depends on the underlying cause of the disease.

Ocular Nutrition and Eye Health

Ocular Nutrition and Eye Health
Understanding ocular nutrition and eye health can be one of the ways to support your vision. As early as age 30, our eyes and vision can begin to deteriorate. Wind, dust, chlorine fumes, automobile fumes, smoking, freezing temperatures and physical injury are examples of threats to healthy eyes and good vision. Long hours spent at a computer screen and the vibration from driving have a cumulative negative impact on eye health over time. Healthy vision is related to the health of the individual parts of the eye - the cornea, iris, macula, lens, optic nerve, pupil, retina and the vitreous humor. And making good ocular nutrition and eye health food choices are one of the ways that good vision can be supported. Information provided by the U.S. National Eye Institute and the results of other ocular nutrition and eye health studies have shown that using nutrition to improve and support eye health definitely happens. Here are foods that are known to support and improve eye health: Collard greens, kale and spinach - studies on ocular nutrition and eye health show that eating foods rich in carotenoids is associated with reduced risk of developing age-related macular degeneration. Foods rich in carotenoids are leafy green vegetables such as spinach, collard greens and kale. Macular eye nutrition becomes increasingly important as we get older. Green vegetables and corn - another study on ocular nutrition and eye health has shown a reduced risk of developing cataracts for persons having diets higher in lutein and zeaxanthin. Foods high in these two carotenoids include broccoli, collard greens, corn, green peas, kale, romaine lettuce, spinach, turnip greens and zucchini. Lutein is also found in egg yolks. Persons with diets high in lutein and zeaxanthin were also less likely to need cataract surgery. In another study done on persons ages 40-59, those with diets high in lutein and zeaxanthin experienced a reduced risk of developing adult macular degeneration. Apricots, bilberries and blueberries - apricots are rich in beta carotene and lycopene that help promote good vision. Beta carotene is converted by the body to vitamin A as needed, an important antioxidant that resists oxidative stress damage to cells and tissues including the eye lenses. Continued oxidative stress may result in the development of cataracts or damage the blood supply to the eyes and lead to macular degeneration. Eating blueberries has been associated with the reduction of eye fatigue. Blueberries are related to cranberries, and both also help the body resist urinary tract infections. Bilberries are a form of wild blueberry that grows on small bushes. Bilberries were used by British pilots to improve their night vision during World War 2. Fresh bilberries and bilberry jams would be sources of this ocular nutrition and eye health food. Bilberry seems to improve eye health by increasing the blood supply to the eyes. Our eyes are considered to be the most important of the senses. By knowing which ocular nutrition and eye health food choices support the eyes, you can include more of these foods in daily meal planning.

Nutrition that Supports Eye Health

Nutrition that Supports Eye Health
Your vision is one the most precious gifts you have. Maintaining good vision and eye health throughout your lifetime is important. There are a number of proactive tips that can help you to take care of your most delicate sensory organ your eyes. If you are concerned about your eyes you should be mindful of the suns rays, working long hours staring at your computer, watching television, pollution and environment, and a poor diet all which can affect eye health. Simple eye care health tips can help you to protect your eyes from possible damage due to environment and the stress of everyday life. Wear sunglasses when you are out. The UV rays of the sun can harm your eyes as well as your skin. Optometrists say you should wear sunglasses on a sunny day or a cloudy day. Clouds may partially block the sunlight, but UV rays can penetrate clouds. Even if you wear UV-protected contact lenses, you should wear sunglasses to protect the whites of your eyes. Computer tips. Keep your monitor about five to nine inches below eye level. This position offers the least strain on the eyes and is conducive to blinking. Most people working on the computer do not blink as often as they should. Blinking helps retain moisture levels in the eyes and is good exercise for the eyes. Following the 20/20/20 rule may also help relieve eye strain caused by too much time on the computer. Every twenty minutes look away from the computer and fix your gaze about 20 feet away for 20 seconds. This will help keep the eyes focused. Splashing cold water over your eyes during breaks can ease eye tension. Regular exercise. Engage in a regular exercise program. Exercise helps to maintain optimal blood circulation and ensures that the eyes receive a supply of oxygenated blood. A healthy digestive system. Eye health, as with overall health, depends on the proper absorption of nutrients. Drink plenty of water. Drink about 8 to 12 glasses of water a day. Cloudiness in the white of the eyes may be due to insufficient water intake. Get sufficient rest. Getting a good night sleep refreshes the eyes. Lack of sleep can cause the eyes to appear tired and lacking in luster. Tired eyes may not perform at optimal levels during the day. Smoking and alcohol consumption. Smoking can have adverse affects on overall health and, particularly on eye health. Smoke irritates the eyes and eventually may effect the proper functioning of the eye. The same is true for alcohol. Too much alcohol can also diminish your bodys ability to absorb Vitamin A. Do not rub eyes. Do not rub tired eyes, as any irritant in the eye can damage the surface of the eye. Instead, palm your eyes and massage in circulation motion. Contact lens wearers. Most contact-lens wearers make the mistake of overusing their contacts. Contact lenses are not designed to be worn for more than twelve hours a day, as it can cause discomfort and may lead to eye damage. Eye nutrition. Including plenty of fruits and vegetables in your diet is a good way to get the proper nutrition to support eye health. Vitamins and minerals, such as, Vitamins A, C and E, zinc, selenium, folic acid benefit overall health, but are especially beneficial to eye health. Cabbage, carrots, papayas, green peas, spinach and other green leafy vegetables such as lettuce, collard greens, turnips, broccoli, and kale are all rich in beta carotene and other eye nutrients. Liver, lean ground beef, egg yolks and seafood are also healthy for the eyes. Eye nutrients you should consider incorporating in your diet include: Bilberry. Bilberry has been used for centuries to support eye health. Its nutrients can help protect against eyestrain and fatigue. Bilberry also supports a healthy blood circulation to the eyes. Vitamins: Vitamins A, C and E are antioxidants. Vitamin A is well-known for its role in supporting eye health. Vitamin C nutritionally helps in tissue cell regeneration and supports healthy blood vessels. All three of these vitamins can help to protect the body, including the eyes, from free radicals. Vitamin A supports the regeneration of rhodopsin which is found in the rod cells of the human eye.Carotenoids are powerful antioxidants, too. They also nutritionally protect cells from free radicals. Carotenoids, specifically beta-carotene, are believed to enhance the function of the immune system. Beta-carotene is the precursor of vitamin A in the body. High concentrations of certain carotenoids are found in the eyes. Eating foods which have greater amounts of these carotenoids may help maintain eye health. For Eye Health Try to Eat Foods that Contain: Lycopene helps to maintain optimal vision. Lycopene is found in tomatoes; processed tomatoes contain higher concentration of lycopene.Lutein is found in the center of the retina, called the macula. Lutein is found in food sources such as spinach, broccoli, and peas. Often called, nature’s sunglasses, lutein protects the eyes from blue light present in sunlight, fluorescent light, welding light, and light emitted from television and computer screens.Zeaxanthin, like lutein, is found in the macula in high concentration. Lutein and zeaxanthin are often found in combination in the same vegetables, like spinach, broccoli and peas. Selenium is necessary for the absorption of Vitamin E. Mixed nuts, especially Brazil nuts, are rich in selenium. Fish is another good source. Zinc is highly concentrated in the retina. It is essential for oxidation and metabolism. Zinc is also responsible for the release of Vitamin A from the liver. Zinc is found in abundance in protein-rich foods. All kinds of meat and fish contain zinc. Dairy products and pumpkin seeds also contain zinc. Copper is needed for the assimilation of zinc. Food sources that contain copper include green leafy vegetables, whole grain cereals, organ meats and nuts. It is important to begin the right eye health care regimen as early as you can to maintain eye health. As you age your bodys ability to absorb nutrients that are required to support eye health may change. If you are not able to maintain a balanced diet, you may want to consider eye health supplements for a consistent supply of nutrition that will promote eye healthcare. Taking a supplement like Crystal Vision Matrix to nutritionally support eye health can help to close the gaps your diet may leave. Ask your doctor whether a supplement, like Crystal Vision Matrix, is the right choice for you.

Nutrition for Good Eye Health

Nutrition for Good Eye Health
Before starting my article I will like to say a few words about health. "Every human being is the author of his own health or disease." "He, who has health, has hope. And he, who has hope, has everything." "It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver."
It should come as little surprise that good overall nutrition, which is essential for optimal health, is also needed for the best health of your eyes. This means that fad diets that concentrate on only certain types of foods may not only affect your general physical health but may also contribute to vision problems. As recently as 20 years ago, medical science had little in the way of research to confirm the importance nutrition to the prevention and maintenance of conditions that affect the eye such as cataracts, glaucoma and macular degeneration. Fortunately, between government and academic research bodies, there is now scientifically-based information for optimal eye health. Eating a nutritious, balanced diet is the beginning of your best health. Information at MyPyramid.gov provides basic information on what your daily diet should include. A visit to the site also allows you to put in your information to receive individualized recommendations for your age, weight, etc. Eye Specific Nutrition Whoever told you to eat your fruits and vegetables was...absolutely right--and seafood and nuts and brown rice and seeds...the list goes on. Vitamin A: The current thinking is that this fat-soluble vitamin may prevent night blindness and dry eye. Recommended daily allowance (RDA): 2,133 IU for women/3,000 IU for men. Found in: Eggs, milk, butter, beef or chicken liver, cod liver oil, sweet potato, winter squash. Vitamin C: May reduce risk of cataracts and macular degeneration. RDA: 70 mg for women/90 mg for men. Found in: Citrus fruit, cantaloupe, strawberries, kale, sweet peppers, papaya, Brussels sprouts, and broccoli. Vitamin D: The "sunlight" vitamin may protect against macular degeneration. Found in: Milk, tuna, egg, salmon, sardines, juice fortified with vitamin D--and in a few minutes of skin exposure to sunlight daily, your body will produce its own vitamin D.Vitamin E: Another fat-soluble vitamin, this one is thought to reduce the risk of advanced age-related macular degeneration, in combination with carotenoids and vitamin C. RDA: 15 mg for women and men. Found in: Sunflower seeds, almonds, papaya, olives, greens (spinach, mustard, collard, and turnip), and blueberries. Other important nutrients for best eye health: Beta-carotene: May protect against night blindness and dry eye. Found in: Sweet potatoes, carrots, and spinach, butternut squash, turnip and collard greens, kale.Flavonoids: These phytonutrients are thought to protect against cataracts and macular degeneration. Found in: Apples, apricots, tea, red wine, blueberries, black beans, cabbage, legumes, soy products.Lutein and zeaxanthin: A pair of nutrients also thought to protect against cataracts and macular degeneration. Found in: Eggs, kale, spinach, turnip and collard greens, Brussels sprouts, romaine lettuce, zucchini

Nutrition and your eye health

Nutrition and your eye health
The health of ones eyes is extremely important. There are many things that can be eaten, as well as taken, to help the nutrition of the eyes. Keeping the eyes healthy by means of being pro-active and eating right is important in the long run, especially to keep from needing reading glasses. Leafy green vegetables are not only a healthy alternative for ones weight and health. They are also excellent for the health of ones eyes. Cabbages, carrots, peas and lettuce are all excellent sources of nutrition for the eyes. These foods are also very rich in beta carotene. Other foods that are great for the eyesight are liver and lean ground beefs. Seafood, such as fish, scallops, mussels and shrimp, can also help the eyes, as can the consumption of egg yolks. There are other nutrients that can incorporate into your diet that can help keep the eyes clear and healthy. Bilberry is a berry that has been in use for centuries that helps with eye health. The nutrients found in the bilberry can protect the eyes against excessive straining and fatigue. Bilberry also helps maintain good blood circulation into the eyes. You can take a few vitamins that help promote good eye health. The best vitamins for the job are A, C and E. These antioxidants also protect the body, so it's a good idea to take them no matter what. Vitamin A can help support eye healthiness, and Vitamin C can help tissue cell re-growth, as well as supporting healthy blood vessels. Vitamin A also helps with regeneration of rhodopsin, something that can be found amongst the rod cells in the eye. Eating foods that are high in lute in can also help the eyes. Lute in is found in foods such as peas and spinach. This nutrient is sometimes known as nature’s sunglasses as it helps protect the eyes from many natural and man-made lights. This includes light from the sun, from fluorescent lighting, and the light that comes from television rays and computer screens. Another excellent nutrient for the eyes is carotenoids, as this can also help maintain the health of a person's eyes.


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